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Web3, NFT and DeFi are a Sham Without a Blockchain Scalable at Layer-1

Web3, NFT, and DeFi have become tech buzzwords. Are they really meaningful tech development? What makes Web3, NFTs, and DeFi useful? Facing the hypes and the intoxicating crypto frenzy, it is necessary to look closely...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

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Published inPART 6: Misconceptions and Fallacies