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About the Author


I am a “Company-as-a-Product” (CaaP) consultant. I was formally an IP lawyer but turned to helping create and build companies.

Becoming an author was a byproduct of my work, which encompasses ideation, formation, innovation, intellectual property (IP), economics, finance, business strategy, corporate structures, and operations.

As a CaaP consultant, I serve a cross-functional role in converging intersections of business strategies, law, technology, and financing. I throw in all my multidisciplinary background, including two masters in physics and chemistry, a Juris Doctor (JD), and years of study in technologies, economics, and business, but still find myself needing more.

After law school, I worked as an IP attorney and was last employed at Lee & Hayes (ranked No.1 globally in “patent quality” by Intangible Asset Management), specializing in building global IP portfolios and commercialization of IP, and advised clients ranging from Microsoft Research to Alibaba Group and even tech startups.

Working with innovative tech startups, however, changed my career path. I gradually phased out of the law firm into a more entrepreneurial role in tech startups.

During the course of this unusual career, I also acquired knowledge of a broad range of technologies, including Bitcoin, blockchain/DLT, legaltech, fintech, edtech, enterprise IT, AI, and many other fields.

Others call me “interdisciplinary,” but I never consciously wanted to be “interdisciplinary.” I just wanted to understand how innovation-driven economies and businesses work. It is a coherent fabric of many things.

Today, people collaborate a lot and communicate even more, but true understanding rooted at a “first principles” level is scarce. The history of Bitcoin is a vivid illustration of this condition of human understanding. Since Bitcoin’s original release by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, a nearly universal failure by others to understand what Satoshi invented and envisioned has not only resulted in inaction but, in fact, also wrong actions that took Bitcoin in ruinous directions and created the counterproductive crypto world that we have today.

Amid these things, it has become my passion to bring comprehensive understanding as a “glue” to this field and bond things together. So much so that I wrote this two-volume book Bit & Coin – Merging Digitality and Physicality.

/personal life/

Outside of work, I am a student of the Bible. I purpose myself not to be a biblical scholar in an academic sense but rather approach it with total humility and utmost sincerity for the true meaning of life because I believe the Bible is the Word of God revealing Himself and His Master Plan for the universe.

I live with my beloved wife of over thirty years and two daughters in Southern California. I have few hobbies and enjoy few luxuries, and can be boring unless we are talking about some of the subjects that I understand or at least can learn to understand.
