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Category: PART 4: Business and Applications

Micropayments and Data Transactions

Payment, especially micropayment, is of fundamental importance in blockchain and in merging physicality and digitality. It is not just an improvement of the existing payment system (see the chapter “Payment Must Change—Credit Card Is A……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Payment Must Change – Credit Intermediation is a Systemic Rip-off

The global economy is defined by its payment system. But a fundamental anomaly burdens the present payment system: Credit intermediation. The two biggest financial systems that owe their very existence to credit intermediation are: Both……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Bitcoin as the Universal Language for Value Transaction

Currency is language, and speaking a foreign language is hard. Bitcoin should be spent as cash. That is the original intent of Satoshi Nakamoto, and the continued design and development effort made with Bitcoin SV….…...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Hosting the Web on Blockchain

As described in PART 3 System and Architecture, especially chapters “USSoT, IP-to-IP, SSI, and the True Web3,” “The New Internet and Blockchain,” and “Integration of IPv6 and Blockchain,” the blockchain can be integrated with the……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Tokenization of Everything – Building Economies on the ‘Land’ of Bitcoin

Many of the transformations caused by the merging of physicality and digitality on the blockchain are enabled by tokenization. Unlimited use cases are being made possible. Unfortunately, tokenization has become a buzzword, leading to the……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Financial Services and Supply-Chain Management

The merging of physicality and digitality will transform many industries, including financial services and the supply chain management industry. Fundamentally, these industries are about assets and the management of their existence, interaction, contracting, transferring, coordinating,……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Cybersecurity with the New Internet

Data security is a problem which is growing faster than the information technology industry itself. The current situation is not only costly but also completely unsustainable. We all pretend it is tolerable simply because no……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Triple-Entry Accounting

Triple entry accounting was introduced by Ian Grigg in 2005 (Triple Entry Accounting, Bitcoin blockchain is a perfect system on which triple-entry accounting can be implemented. This is not only because Bitcoin blockchain is……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

The Smart-Business Paradigm

A revolution in how business relationships, structures, organizations, assets, contracts, transactions, and records are created, managed, and serviced is happening, and people will soon notice. It is an important part of the biggest business revolution……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)

Decentralized AI on Blockchain

AI needs to be decentralized and personalized and to do that, it will need a scalable public blockchain serving as a truth layer of a global data network that supports decentralized data ownership. What’s wrong……...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications 
Order on Amazon

Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies Order on Amazon (coming soon)